Local Snow Conditions

Entries by Jeff Lehman (172)


Level 2 Avalanche Course

A level 2 Avalanche course is being taught in conjunction with the Las Vegas Ski and Snowboard Resort. Cassroom sessions will take place in Southern CA and one of the field sessions will be at the Las Vegas Ski and Snowboard Resort with Greg French, the manager of their Avalanche Mitigation team. Greg will also be teaching a Level 2 course and we will be bringing all of our students together as a team to participate in two days of field sessions. Below you will find the details for the course.

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ITRS 2011

Once again the International Technical Rescue Symposium met in November to discuss a variety of technical rescue topics. A few representatives from SBSAR were on hand to participate. Below are a sample of some of the presentations offered:

Empirically Derived Breaking Strengths for Basket Hitches and Wrap Three Pull Two Webbing Anchors

Does Nylon Lose 15% of its Strength When Wet?

Suspension Trauma Revisited

If you are interested in attending or presenting, the 2012 call for papers has been posted, and the registration will open soon. In 2012 the symposium will be in Seattle, WA.


SAR Volunteers Recognized

Efforts to integrate GIS with SAR mission operations recently took a leap forward. Read the details on the ESRI blog.


BSAR Oct 2011

More than 32 students graduated from October's BSAR Academy. This is the first certification that new SBSAR members must complete. Basic search techniques, survival skills, and land navigation are among the myriad topics covered.



Whitten Recognized for SAR Service

Cpl. Dan Whitten was recognized at the last IESARC meeting for his service at Volunteer Forces. He is now fighting crime in Yucaipa. I am certain that his new hat strikes fear in the hearts of criminals everywhere.



Using Your Android Phone as a SAR Pager

Updated on Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 12:34 by Registered CommenterJeff Lehman

One of the great things about pagers is their optimization for doing a single thing. They sit there silent until they are called upon to roust us out of whatever we are doing. Contrast this with your smartphone. A device that is used to check email, make phone calls, surf the web, and play games. It is the antithesis of your trusty pager. With all of its fancy features, most smartphones are not well-adapted to making sure that they make enough noise to wake up up in the middle of the night, or alert you if you happen to miss the anemic tone they emit. To press them into pager duty, we will have to download additional help. A non-smart (dumb?) phone can also receive the messages mentioned here, but applications cannot be installed on these sorts of phones.

First, the ideas presented here require that your team use some sort of text message callout system. Such a system sends everybody a text message with a common text string. [By the way, ALL county teams have access to this functionality. It has been used in the county for 10 years, and you can read about it here.  Contact Jeff Lehman for info]. For example, on my team all callout messages have the string, "[Callout]" in the subject. This is automatically placed there by the mail list that is used to distribute the messages. Having this string enables you to set up your phone so that only messages with "[Callout]" in them make your phone ring at all hours of the night. This keeps you from being shaken awake by an SMS (text) spam message in the middle of the night.

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September PVS

SB Mountain SAR is in the process of hosting a personal vertical skills (PVS) class. The check-off is this coming Saturday, 9/22/2011 in the Heart Bar area. The photos below are a classroom session in preparation for the test. Keep in mind that PVS is required for BMC.


SGSAR Calvert and Johnston Memorial Golf Tourney

San Gorgonio SAR is hosting its annual golf tournament. See the flyer for details.


BMC is Around the Corner

It’s time to be thinking about our Basic Mountaineering Course (BMC). The lecture portion will be held on November 19 and 20 at the Mountain Team’s rescue shack in San Bernardino. The field portion will be held at Snow Valley on January 21 and 22. All individuals intending to take the course or the recertification must register with Dave at Volunteer Forces. A $50 deposit must be sent with registration. It will be returned if you attend the course. If not, it will be donated to IESARC. Personal vertical skills (PVS) is a requirement for the course. Contact Sonny Lawrence, Cave and Technical Rescue Team at slawrence@sbsar.org or 909-255-6036 for further information.


SB Mountain SAR Hosting PVS Class

SB Mountain SAR is hosting a PVS class Tuesday and Thursday beginning on September 6. You can read the flyer for details. Contact Justin Wheaton at his sbsar.org email address to sign up.