Local Snow Conditions

Director's Dialogue July 2009

The SAR Council is hosting a Helitac Class on Sunday, July 19th at Aviation. If you have any members who want to attend this class have them get a hold of me no later than July 10th. The class will start at 9 a.m. and if you say you are going, then we need to plan on you attending. Please email me at: davenicolet@earthlink.net. It will be on a first come first serve basis. We have room for 25

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Ropes that Rescue 2009

Technical rope rescue is one of the more involved activities in which a SAR team can participate. Staying proficient requires regular team and individual practice. 12 students just finished a 7 day Ropes That Rescue course taught by Reed Thorne. There were three days of classroom presentation followed by four days in the field. Rim SAR, West Valley SAR, San Gorgonio SAR, Wrightwood/Phelan SAR, SB Mountain SAR, and the Cave Team sent students to the course.

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On Track in Cucamonga Canyon

The callout for a search for a missing hiker in the Mt. Baldy area came in around 1900, just as we were beginning classroom training on Map & Compass. Everyone packed up and left the station, most to head home for their equipment and return for the rigs. All three vehicles departed the station around 2000 with 5 members. Other members were in route from Station 12, and several were responding POV. Staging was established at Baldy Fire.

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Director's Dialogue June 2009

I have been very fortunate to meet many fine individuals since I joined SAR just about 10 years ago. People who care, who are committed and who understand our roles as SAR personnel. Individuals who are willing to give of their self's and of their precious time. They do this for a multitude of reasons, they serve their communities, their units and they serve our one large SAR team that we have here in San Bernardino County.

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Cave & WV SAR Complete MRA ReCert

Last year West Valley SAR and the Cave Team were unable to complete their technical rope re-certification with the Mountain Rescue Association due to a search on Baldy. The make-up exam was scheduled for a few months later, only to be canceled due to the fires in L.A. County. The third time is the charm.

The day started with a coin toss to determine who was the "host team". The evaluators wanted to run the test like a mutual aid mission. That is, the host team had requested resources, the mutual aid team would work alongside under the host teams command structure. West Valley "won" the toss and became the host team.

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Lost Off-Road Biker, Murray Carver, Lytle Creek, CA

Coroner case 700903045 VN: On Wednesday, May 6, 2009, at about 10:00 AM, 49 year Rancho Cucamonga resident Murray E. Carver left his home ride his motorcycle in the hills north of town. When he did not return that afternoon searches were initiated along the trails he was known to ride. The following day (Thursday, May 7th) at about 11:00 AM, Sheriff Aviation located Carver’s body along a winding trail approximately 3.5 miles north of Chaffey College. An examination will be conducted early next week to attempt to determine the cause of Carver’s death. [05/07/09 1915 VN]

Wednesday started out like any other work day - up at 0500 hours to shower, feed and put the dogs out, grab breakfast, and hit the road for the office. Likewise, the end of my day seemed just like many others - off work at 1600 hours, home to pack up my search dog for a training, and back home about 2045 hours. By then, though, the pager and cell phone were calling me! Deputy Falce was on the phone asking if I was available to join others on the team for a search in the Lytle Creek area. Of course I said “yes”!

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TRBC 2009 2nd Weekend

This weekend San Bernardino Mountain SAR, Wrightwood/Phelan SAR, and Rim SAR sent members to complete the Technical Rescue Basics Course. The first weekend was spent in the classroom and with practice. The second weekend included two days of field work in addition to a written exam and practical skills check-off.

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Directors Dialogue May 2009

The SAR Council hopes that your units are getting involved with the "MAY FOR MEMBERSHIP" Drive. Christine Stuehrman, our chairman, has sent out flyers to all of our SAR units. Hopefully, your members are passing these out in your respective communities and asking folks to attend your May meeting. Christine will be contacting each unit to find out how many perspectives members you had in attendance or email her chrisstueh@aol.com New members are good for our units, please, just ask someone to join!

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TRBC 2009 1st Weekend

The Technical Rescue Basic Course began last weekend with classroom instruction and field work at Glen Helen North. Keep watching SBSAR.ORG for updates.



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County-Wide Mounted SAR Training

East Valley Mounted Posse hosted the 2009 County Wide Mounted Search & Rescue Training on Saturday April 18th at Wildwood State Park in Yucaipa. The day began with all of the Mounted Search & Rescue Units meeting at the CP for a short Briefing Training courtesy of Mike Ward. The members were then broken up into three composite teams and assigned to one of the three different search scenarios in the park.

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